TUTORIAL: Seamless Finish
Today I will show you how to finish any pieces crocheted in spiral or rounds seamlessly, so you'll have a nice row of loops running around the whole edge.
TUTORIAL: Seamless Finish
Today I will show you how to finish any pieces crocheted in spiral or rounds seamlessly, so you'll have a nice row of loops running around the whole edge.

TUTORIAL: Sewing Two Open Pieces Together
Joining two open amigurumi pieces, like sewing the head to the body, for example, with mattress or whip stitch.
TUTORIAL: Sewing Two Open Pieces Together
Joining two open amigurumi pieces, like sewing the head to the body, for example, with mattress or whip stitch.

TUTORIAL: Finishing an Open Piece
In this post I will show you two ways to finish open amigurumi pieces. The first one is great for pieces that will later be sewn to another piece and...
TUTORIAL: Finishing an Open Piece
In this post I will show you two ways to finish open amigurumi pieces. The first one is great for pieces that will later be sewn to another piece and...

TUTORIAL: Finishing a Closed Piece
When making a closed amigurumi piece there will be a little hole left after finishing the last round. Today I will show how to close up that hole nice and...
TUTORIAL: Finishing a Closed Piece
When making a closed amigurumi piece there will be a little hole left after finishing the last round. Today I will show how to close up that hole nice and...

Sewing an Open Piece to a Closed Piece
In this post I will show you two different ways to sew an open piece to a closed piece.
Sewing an Open Piece to a Closed Piece
In this post I will show you two different ways to sew an open piece to a closed piece.

TUTORIAL: Crocheting a Round Piece
How to arrange increases and decreases evenly to get a nice round piece when crocheting amigurumi toys.
TUTORIAL: Crocheting a Round Piece
How to arrange increases and decreases evenly to get a nice round piece when crocheting amigurumi toys.