Welcome to the World of Crocheted Toys

I've been dabbling in amigurumi making since 2012 and have learned a few things - mostly how not to do things. But I have acquired a few bits of useful knowledge as well and now have made it my mission to share everything I know about crocheting toys with all of you.

Learn How to Crochet Amigurumi Toys

If you're looking to learn amigurumi specific techniques, need some help with crochet basics or want to learn tricks on how to make your toys even better, take a look at the Learning Corner where you'll find a library of tutorials, all with step-by-step photos, some with videos.

  • Crochet Basics

    Learn basic crochet stitches and techniques, read about different yarn weights and crochet hook sizes.

    Learn more 
  • Amigurumi Essentials

    All the amigurumi-specific techniques you'll need to know to start crocheting toys.

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  • Advanced Techniques

    More complicated and/or less common techniques, plus embroidered details to add that extra touch.

    Learn more 

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